How to Setup a 1000kg/h French Fries Processing Line in Kenya

French fries processing line

Because of the rising demand for french fries, more and more businesses invest in making potatoes into french fries. For example, on 23th October 2023, a customer from Kenya inquired about how to setup a 1000kg/h french fries processing line. This client told us “..complete line – consideration for equipped with water recycling system and steam&diesel heating method for frying. With capacity 400 kg/h…send me the layout, quotation…”

What is the design of a 1000kg/h French fries production line?

When you want to setup a French fries processing line, factory area are also two aspects you must consider. Usually, the whole French fries making area is divided into three parts:

How much does it cost to set up a 1000kg/h French fries line in Kenya?

Then, the client from Kenya inquired about the quotation of the French fries production line with a capacity of 1000 kg/h. Because of quality food equipment use, the price of it is $ 15,800-$ 200,000. Can I set up a 1000 kg/h French fries line in Kenya at a lower cost? The answer is yes. You can replace some machines according to your requirements. And it has a more economical price.

1000 kg/h French fries line

How to save cost for making the high quality of French fries?

Finally, Kenyans customer still have concerns about building a French fries processing line, we can provide him with two ways to easily save costs:

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